Behind the Scenes: Bi-Weekly Update on Our Platform’s Evolution

Behind the Scenes: Bi-Weekly Update on Our Platform’s Evolution

Behind the Scenes: Bi-Weekly Update on Our Platform’s Evolution

Our latest development cycle has brought significant updates and new features across the Blubird App and the Investor Portal, focusing on enhancing functionality, improving user experience, and refining data presentation. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the enhancements made in each area.
Blubird App – New Features and Improvements

General Enhancements:

  • Introduced KYC & SAFT tabs within the Cap Table Module with the KYC section operational and the SAFT section previewed as “Coming Soon.”

  • Implemented doughnut chart updates on the Tokenomics page to improve data visualization. This includes grouping smaller slices and displaying precise percentage values on hover.

  • Enhanced the Tokenomics table’s user experience by making rows draggable with a visual cue (blue border) to facilitate easier manipulation of data.

Decimal and Data Display Improvements:

  • Multiple improvements applied to enhance the accuracy and presentation of numerical data across the platform.

Cap Table Module Updates

Investor Profile Drawer Update:

  • Update involving the width of the Investor Profile drawer to ensure that Investment Rounds information fits properly even when not contained in a single line.

Non Priced Round Enhancements:

  • Updated the display logic for allocated and remaining overview tiles to show percentages relative to the round’s allocation percentage, thereby aiding in the management of oversubscriptions and underallocations.

Blubird Investor Portal Updates & Improvements

Project Logo Display:

  • Updated the display logic to use a project-specific logo (if set) instead of the default Blubird logo on the Project Tile and the Banner on the Project’s pages, enhancing brand consistency and visual appeal within the investor portal.

These updates and improvements across the Blubird platforms focus on improving user interface interactions, enhancing data visualization and accuracy, and ensuring consistency in brand and data presentation. These efforts collectively aim to enhance the user experience, streamline financial data management, and provide clear and accurate information display across different modules of the app.

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